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About Us

About Us

Anglican Youth Fellowship (A.Y.F)

Our aim is to train and develop individual members in the true doctrine of Christianity with a view of attaining the standard required of a true follower of Christ by making themselves useful to only to the Church and Community in which they live, but also to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, by respecting constituted Authorities, so that they may always in their daily lives strive “Towards the Perfect Man”….
The Anglican Youth Fellowship has a total of 200,743 Members in 36 States, across Nigeria.

75+ Years of Existence

Fellowship!!! In Christ!

Our Mission

To provides the youth and youth leaders with opportunities and resources for fellowship, discipleship, and worship

Our Mission

To provides the youth and youth leaders with opportunities and resources for fellowship, discipleship, and worship

Our Motto

The Motto of the Fellowship shall be “Towards the Perfect Man” (Ephesians 4:13A)

Our Motto

The Motto of the Fellowship shall be “Towards the Perfect Man” (Ephesians 4:13A)

Our Objectives

To lead young people to offer their work and leisure to God as members of this Church, in local & international levels.

Our Objectives

To lead young people to offer their work and leisure to God as members of this Church, in local & international levels.

Aims & Objectives

To train and develop individual members in the true doctrine of Christianity with a view of attaining the standard required of a true follower of Christ by making themselves useful to only to the Church and Community in which they live, but also to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, by respecting constituted Authorities, so that they may always in their daily lives strive “Towards the Perfect Man”. To this end, the strategies will be:

WORSHIP: To provide opportunities for the understanding of and progress in corporate worship and private prayer.

THOUGHT: To enable young people to learn individually and collectively the meaning of the Christian faith and its relevance to the life of their generation, and to practice same in their everyday life.

SERVICE: To lead young people to offer themselves to the service of God as true members of His Church, and to Humanity through dutiful and honest service in local, National and/or international life and dealings.

RECREATION: To give due recognition to the importance of fitness of the body and mind, and to the provision of suitable varied forms of recreation in all Youth Organizations of Group

Our History

Here are Our Milestones

  • AYF Inauguration

    July, 1940
    What is known today as the ANGLICAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP began from the West as a mustard seed planted in the mid 1940’s. As a result of the Visit of the Bishop of Lagos, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Leslie Gordon Vining to England accompanied by the Canon Residentiary of the Cathedral Church of Lagos, the Rev. A.W. Howells. Being highly impressed by the activities of some Youth movements, on his return to Nigeria, he initiated action on the formation of the Anglican Youth Fellowship. Thereafter, he inaugurated the first branch of the Anglican Youth Fellowship at the Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina Lagos with about twenty (20) young people mostly young boys playing football within the Church premises on the 7th of May, 1947 on the pattern of the Anglican Young People’s Association of England.
  • First Charity Donation

    September, 1946
    By September 1946, Bishop Vining summoned a meeting of Church of Christ. Other Priests in attendance were Canon Adelakun Williamson Howells who later became the first provost of the Cathedral and Rev. Timothy Omotayo O. Olufosoye who was the the Cathedral Youth Chaplain and later became the first Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of all Nigeria. During the meeting, Samuel Akpabot of Kings College entertained the meeting with musical instrument while Bala Miller of Church Missionary Society Grammar School was on hand to entertain them with trumpet.
  • Second Branch Created

    4th December, 1949
    With the transfer of Rev. Timothy Olufosoye to Holy Trinity Church, Ebute Ero in August, 1947, there he inducted another branch of the fellowship in the church as the second branch which was inaugurated on 4th December, 1949.
  • Another Branch Created

    26th June,1950
    Whereas on the 26th June, 1950, Rev. H.N Hunter was Canon Williamson Howells Assistant at the Cathedral inaugurated another branch at All Saints Anglican Church, Montgomery Road, Yaba Lagos where he has been transferred to as the Vicar. And when he became the Bishop of Lagos in 1955 (1955 – 1963), he helped the fellowship to spread the more as he encouraged the fellowship to organize and host internal Programmes and Conferences.
  • Central Working Committee

    However, in 1952, the Rev. A.W Howells laid down the Organizational structure of the fellowship. The Central Working Committee was formed in 1952 with Bro. Albert Odipodo Rogers (Later Rev. Rogers) as the first and only chairman and he held office for one year (1952-1953) with Bro. Olutendu Odejimi (both of the blessed memory) as the secretary.
  • First National President Election

    In 1953, Bro. Felix Remi Soyeye of blessed memory was appointed as the First National President and held Office for thirty three (33) years 1953 – 1986 while Bro. Lawson O. Igele Akhibe was appointed the First National Secretary and held Office from 1953 – 1976. Note that the Seven (7) man Central Working Committee that was inaugurated in 7th May, 1952 under the chairmanship of Bro. Rogers drafted the Aims and Objectives the fellowship is still using today. When the Committee completed it’s assignment, the Aims and objectives became the fellowship’s Constitution. The Bishop of Lagos, the Rt. Rev. Saith Ivan Sewen Kale requested the then Chancellor of Lagos, Hon. Justice J. A. Adefarasin to vet the Constitution and haven found it worthy, the Constitution was approved in July, 1960. It has been undergoing several reviews as it is currently undergoing another review.
  • Central Working Committee

    17th September, 1967
    It should be noted that the Central Working Committee was formed from the four Diocesan Council’s that were in existence then which includes: Lagos, Ibadan, Benin and Ondo. The CWC held series of meetings during which Bro. Remi Soyoye and Bro. L.O Akhibe held sway as National President and Protem National Secretary until 17th September, 1967 when the first set of officers were elected, twelve person’s among whom were: 1. Bro. Remi Soyoye – National President 2. Bro. L.O.I Akiubi – National Secretary 3. Bro. G.O Agala – National Vice President 1 4. Rev. J. O Olugasa – National Vice President 2 5. Mr. I.O Olaomi – Assistant Secretary 6. Mr. Bola Ogundpe – Treasurer/Fin.Secretary 7. Mr. A.O Rogers (late Rev) – Publicity/Editor among others.
  • Central Working Committee

    16th February, 1970
    It should be noted that between 1947-1968, the Lagos branch of the fellowship was performing the duty of the National Council of AYF by working hand in hand with other existing branches of the AYF in the Country until 1967 when the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE ANGLICAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP WAS INAUGURATED in Benin City on 16th February, 1970 with the Dioceses of Lagos, Ibadan, Ondo and Benin as members and later on other Diocesan Council’s began to join, like the Dioceses in the Eastern Region (Enugu and on the Niger) in 1972 after the Civil war through the instrumentality of A.O. Rogers at the National Conference held at the University of Lagos.